Rivers of Living Water
Every river originates from somewhere; a lake, spring, glacier, marsh, etc. And many times the quality of water of a river is determined by it’s source.
Every river originates from somewhere; a lake, spring, glacier, marsh, etc. And many times the quality of water of a river is determined by it’s source.
Because the Spirit of God is in us, the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, the Spirit of Eternal Life, this same Spirit GIVES LIFE to our mortal bodies. And “out of our bellies (spirit/heart) should continually flow RIVERS of Living Waters…Words of Life….inspired by the Spirit in Us. This way, our mortal bodies continue to live and enjoy a sweet supply of the life of God. Continually. Hallelujah
Because the Spirit of God is in us, the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, the Spirit of Eternal Life, this same Spirit GIVES LIFE to our mortal bodies. And “out of our bellies (spirit/heart) should continually flow RIVERS of Living Waters…Words of Life….inspired by the Spirit in Us. This way, our mortal bodies continue to live and enjoy a sweet supply of the life of God. Continually. Hallelujah
The only One who knows your future is God. He has the master plan and He is committed to it as long as you stay in Him. Not one word, not one promise of God goes unfulfilled.
The only One who knows your future is God. He has the master plan and He is committed to it as long as you stay in Him. Not one word, not one promise of God goes unfulfilled.
If I asked a group of persons, say in a Sunday School class; ‘What is God’s Greatest Gift to Mankind?, I am sure to get a myriad of answers.
Some would say ‘GRACE’ and that will not be entirely wrong- Ephesians 2:8, Ephesians 3:7, etc point to GRACE as the gift of God.
Some would quote any of the 7 gifts of the Spirit in Isaiah 11:1-2;
Some would say it is one of The God Appointed Gifts for the Church we see in 1 Corinthians 12: 28-
Everyone given any of these gifts is expected to minister them also to the Body of Christ……”As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God” These gifts are GRACES.
Some would say the Holy Spirit– many scriptures talk about the Holy Spirit being a gift, I chose 2;
So many, majority would say, Jesus Christ. And that’s what I would have answered without blinking some moments ago……
But what really is the greatest gift of God? Did I hear you ask “Grace, are you saying it’s not Jesus Christ?’ Yes please! Jesus is Not God’s greatest Gift to mankind. Let’s look at some scriptures together……
Many times, I tend to adopt a question and answer approach to studying the Word of God. Helps me to cover a wider scope. So, we’ll provide answers to a series of questions in this study, actually about 7 questions. We start with question 1
Let’s start by looking at a few scriptures;
To continue with this study please see below a video on the topic. This was produced yesterday afternoon (Saturday). In the course of making this video, there was a heavy downpour accounting for the somehow noisy background towards the end of the video.
Please WATCH THE VIDEO….. ‘God’s Greatest Gift‘ ?. And find the notes here…
I am confident that you’ll be blessed by this. God bless.
Happy Sunday!
Or could it be that Paul didn’t quite understand what The Lord said to him….o make something perfect, in my understanding, is to make it function at an optimum, …at it’s best possible form or state. Well, just to be sure, I checked Vocabulary.com Dictionary and it says ‘perfect’ means to make something complete and without defect or blemish. And some synonyms for perfect include; unmarred, unmutilated, error-less, ideal, flawless, faultless, immaculate.
Or could it be that Paul didn’t quite understand what The Lord said to him….o make something perfect, in my understanding, is to make it function at an optimum, …at it’s best possible form or state. Well, just to be sure, I checked Vocabulary.com Dictionary and it says ‘perfect’ means to make something complete and without defect or blemish. And some synonyms for perfect include; unmarred, unmutilated, error-less, ideal, flawless, faultless, immaculate.
At times like this it is important to prioritize and identify what are needs (essentials) and what are wants (non-essentials).
In 2 Corinthians 1:21, we find that Believers are an anointed group by reason of the Holy Spirit.