
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Christian Living

My Little Scent Leaf Shrub Turned Into A Farm

Scent leaves! They’re found almost in every home garden in my part of the world. Botanical name-Ocimum gratissimum, scent leaf is an aromatic shrub used extensively across tropical and subtropical regions, including Nigeria.

Scent leaves are sweet-smelling spicy leaves commonly used in soups, stew and a few other kinds of foods. While studies have suggested some medicinal benefits of scent leaves, my love for this shrub lies in its aromatic side, a love that goes way back to my childhood.

I grew up in the coastal parts of Nigeria, precisely in Rivers State. One of the memorable things about growing up in this area is the early exposure to seafoods and the different delicacies that can emerge from them.

I grew up eating seafood based foods, notable among which are the Rivers Native Soup, Fisherman Soup, Onunu & Freshfish Pepper Soup. These are really deliciously yummy meals and scent leaves add great flavours to some of these dishes. There is hardly anytime you’ll eat any of these delicacies and not proclaim; ‘The Lord Brought My Soup!’

I particularly plant scent leaves in every new home I move to. My family recently moved home, and along came my little scent leaf shrub. As it turned out, I wasn’t the only one in my neighbourhood who spices up soups with scent leaves. In my short time here, my once luscious little scent leaf shrub, starting looking dry and bare. The shrub was struggling to meet the demands from more than one user.

Did I become grumpy? Yes and sorry! It might just help if people would just stick little scent leaf plants in the soil in their backyards…what do you think? Shhh, I didn’t say that to them. Sadly, I found myself having to buy scent leaves from the market. Not very nice. And each time the now bare shrub in my small garden stared at me, a little sadness filled my soul. Well until recently…

I decided to take a walk around the house to see how well my flowers were blossoming; very well I must say, and I love them. That was when I noticed the fine spread of little shrubs around the area of my little scent leaf shrub, a spread that extended well beyond the location of the original plant. A closer look confirmed these were new scent leaf shrubs sprouting all over the place. Amazing! This is almost too good to be true…..

Immediately Proverbs 11:24 came to mind…

There is one who scatters, yet increases more; And there is one who withholds more than is right, But it leads to poverty.”
Proverbs 11:24 NKJV

Oh! If only my sprouting little shrubs were gold…. 🙂

And no, I am not grumpy any longer… infact, you are welcome to have some of my scent leaf.

Don’t stop giving, never stop sowing. Whether you sow sparingly or bountifully, keep sowing. Remember though that there’s more reward for the bountiful sower….

“..but this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
II Corinthians 9:6 NKJV

“..and let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”
Galatians 6:9 NKJV

Happy Monday!

I hope you enjoy the recipes..?


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If you’ve been blessed by this or any other publication on this site, your freewill gift can help with running and maintenance charges for this site. Give here.

You can order the kindle and paperback copies of Grace’s book on healing ‘When The Doctor Says No’ from your local Amazon store, and a subsidized pdf copy here.

And remember you can now publish on our blog under the Christian Lifesaving Skill category. Kids also have an opportunity to share their best Bible stories under the Kiddies Eyeview category. Pastors’ Corner is available for any Pastor to publish a brief exhortation. You can get more information on these from our monthly newsletters.

Blessings & Love Always.

Bible Study

The Whole Armor of God (III)

equipped with all this information and knowledge, it is difficult to be downtrodden by principalities and powers, or by any other scheme of the evil one. do you know who you are?

Christian Living

See A Victory- Song By Elevation Worship

The weapon may be formed, but it won’t prosper
When the darkness falls, it won’t prevail
‘Cause the God I serve knows only how to triumph
My God will never fail
Oh, my God will never failI’m gonna see a victory

I’m gonna see a victory
For the battle belongs to You, Lord
I’m gonna see a victory
I’m gonna see a victory
For the battle belongs to You,

There’s power in the mighty name of Jesus
Every war He wages He will win
I’m not backing down from any giant
‘Cause I know how this story ends
Yes, I know how this story endsI’m gonna see a victory

I’m gonna see a victory
For the battle belongs to You, Lord
I’m gonna see a victory
I’m gonna see a victory
For the battle belongs to You, Lord
I’m gonna see a victory
I’m gonna see a victory
For the battle belongs to You, Lord
I’m gonna see a victory
I’m gonna see a victory
For the battle belongs to You,

Lord am gonna worship my way through this battle
Gonna worship my way through.

You take what the enemy meant for evil
And You turn it for good
You turn it for good
You take what the enemy meant for evil
And You turn it for good
You turn it for good
You take what the enemy meant for evil
And You turn it for good
You turn it for good
You take what the enemy meant for evil
And You turn it for good
You turn it for good
You take what the enemy meant for evil
And You turn it for good
You turn it for good
You take what the enemy meant for evil
And You turn it for good
You turn it for goodI’m gonna see a victory

I’m gonna see a victory
For the battle belongs to You, Lord
I’m gonna see a victory
I’m gonna see a victory
For the battle belongs to You, Lord
I’m gonna see a victory
I’m gonna see a victory
For the battle belongs to You, Lord
I’m gonna see a victory
I’m gonna see a victory
For the battle belongs to You,

Lord You take what the enemy meant for evil
And You turn it for good
You turn it for good
You’re turning it around
You take what the enemy meant for evil
And You turn it for good
You turn it for good,

Songwriters: Ben Fielding / Christopher Joel Brown / Jason Ingram / Steven Furtick

Christian Living


Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.

Bible Study

The Whole Armor of God (II)

An armor is seldom a combative tool, an armor is a protective gear. The enemy didn’t go to sleep following Jesus’s victory on the cross. No, the devil is still the god of this evil age and he is committed to ensuring that not so many people come to know about their freedom, liberation, newness of life through Christ Jesus.

Christian Living

Do Not Worry About Tomorrow

in this Kingdom worry has no place because we know to ask and receive, seek and find, to knock and have access to open doors (Matthew 7:7). We know to say, believe and have, to speak to the mountain believing, and to see it move (Mark 11:23).

Christian Living

Nothing Is Impossible with God

Some things in life are just impossible. For example, it is impossible for a virgin to give birth to a child (well, except with current medical interventions). It is impossible for a dead person to come back to life (John 11:44). It is not normal to be subtracting from something and yet for that thing to be increasing (Proverbs 11:24)

So when Mary said to the angel; ‘how can this be’? She wasn’t being unreal.

Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus . Then Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I do not know a man?”
Luke 1:30‭-‬31‭, ‬34 NKJV

That is why I can understand how you feel about taking that seemingly impossible step. It is practically impossible to achieve success as is.

Well, my Bible tells me ‘nothing is impossible with God’, and that includes every possibly impossible thing.

The question then is; ‘are you doing it on your own or with God?

Commit your way to the Lord , trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass.
Psalms 37:5 NKJV

God is the One who brings impossible things to pass.

Bible Study

The Whole Armor of God (I)

In a sense, Ephesians 6:11 is saying; be totally, completely, fully dressed (and protected) with God’s spiritual covering. The covering of salvation, righteousness, truth, peace, faith and have the fire of the Word in your mouth, without forgetting to pray always in the Spirit (with perseverance and supplication).

Monthly NewsletterUncategorized

August 2020 Newsletter

Hello there,

Praise be to God Almighty, who has kept us safe through the COVID-19 pandemic, and He will yet keep us….

Welcome to August 2020 Newsletter, a rich compilation of previous month’s publications, upcoming events and a listing of partnership opportunities.  

August 2020 Highlights

those who trust in the Lord {in hope and expectation}, shall have their strengths renewed, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint” Isaiah 40:10. 

The above quote is my rendition of Isaiah 40:10. Naturally, it is impossible to Wait on The Lord  as some Bible translations present this portion of scripture, and yet to be making progress. However, Isaiah 40:10 ‘wait‘ speaks of trust, confident expectation, hope, in patience and endurance, leading up to faith and victory. 

We know that people may sometimes use empathy as a manipulative, enticing and control tool, that is when we see The Evil of Empathy, which ultimately aims to destroy the target or recipient. But truly, Jesus Understands. His empathy is genuine and fruitful. Jesus always cares enough to intervene and bring a positive change. His personal experience with hate, betrayal, death and resurrection, positions Him to express genuine empathy. And this gives us the assurance to approach Him boldly and confidently for our personal needs, knowing that God Never Forgets His Own. We know we can apply The Weapons of Our Warfare, including praise and worship To the King Eternal.

For me, I know that When I am Weak I am Strong, shining as Lamp on a Lampstand, equipped to say like Jesus; “Not in My Father’s House” to any attempt to make the Father’s Business a personal merchandise. 

Praise God!! 

Please follow these hyperlinks to read these edifying articles. 

Upcoming Events

This September, I am starting a new Bible study series; ‘The Whole Armor of God’.

In August 2018 through February 2019, I carried out an 8-part study on Ephesians 6: 11-19 on this blog titled “His Armor, Our Weapons & The Warfare“. Really long topic! Your question?… why do it again? Because I believe the Lord would have me do it again; I’ll trust and ride with Him. I hope you’ll join me every Friday……

Partner With Grace

You can now publish on this blog under the Christian Lifesaving Skill category. Kids also have an opportunity to share their best Bible stories under the Kiddies Eyeview category. Pastors’ Corner is a new category available for any Pastor to publish a brief exhortation. This slot is only available for Sundays.

Please note that all guest articles will be screened and published on a ‘first come, first serve basis’. Articles should be between 250-300 words with at least one Bible verse reference. Itemized content is preferable. Send as email to  We apologize for articles that were sent to us which weren’t published. It is important that your article meet our guidelines to be eligible for publishing. 

Your freewill gift can help with running and maintenance charges for this site. Please give here.

You can order the kindle and paperback copies of my book on healing ‘When The Doctor Says No’ from your local Amazon store, and a subsidized pdf copy here.

To continue to be inspired, edified and blessed by similar articles as this one from our blog, subscribe here

September 2020 is already upon us, so let’s get started……?.

Till next time, Stay Safe; In The Word and In The Covenant

Love Always❤


Christian Living

To The King Eternal-Worship

Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.”