The Weapons of Our Warfare
Clearly, Paul in verses 3-6, is referring to spiritual forces manifesting in human beings howbeit, in diverse ways. As false arguments, human reasoning, logic, pride, disobedience and godlessness.
Clearly, Paul in verses 3-6, is referring to spiritual forces manifesting in human beings howbeit, in diverse ways. As false arguments, human reasoning, logic, pride, disobedience and godlessness.
Empathy is a good thing when it helps someone understand and provide an appropriate response in a given situation. However, empathy may leave someone feeling alone, unloved and uncared for.
God doesn’t want us sick and physically weak. He wants us to prosper, be in good health, even as our soul prospers. A weak state is only beautiful as long as we become more focused on God, committed to fellowship and prayer, humble, teachable, calm, attentive, trusting and dependent on God
Be humble; fear God, love and respect everyone. Seek the good of others at all times and remain teachable.
We readily find stats on Child abandonment, abortion, abuse etc, however there are not many documented information on the hurt a mother or parent feels for having to abandon, forget, or lose a child. Even as legitimate as some of the reasons provided for why these things happen may be, some people would still judge these actions as inexcusable.
In Isaiah 49:15, God leaves no room for excuse, He makes a firm promise that He will never forget or abandon His own…
Humility comes before honor. And I think that when the Bible says that pride leads to destruction one of the contributing factors to this is becoming frustrated at not being honored (as one would expect). I recognize that destruction can mean different things, but probably a central feature to it would be not achieving one’s full potential.
I do not believe that Jesus’s fury was exactly because some form of trading was going on at the temple area. I believe Jesus’s extreme display of anger was because of the misplaced priorities displayed regularly by the temple-attendees.
Experience can increase one’s empathy level, help balance emotions and cognition, help manage expectations, provide a wider view on things, can help with planning, … and more.
False humility is actually pride in disguise. People who intentionally devalue or belittle their achievements, contributions or worth may be struggling with false humility.
Falsely humble persons struggle with giving commendation or rendering an apology, however, they expect frequent commendations, approvals, apologies and recognition from others.
If your best associations are with unbelievers, there is a problem. If your most reliable source of counsel is an unbeliever, there is a problem. If you falsifying documents, altering figures because that’s what others do to survive in your line of business, there is a problem. If there is nothing that differentiates you from your unbelieving friends, neighbours, colleagues, family, there is a big problem. If you are so loved and celebrated widely by an unbelieving community, something isn’t right…