
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Christian Living

How Can You Contend with Horses?

We have to show resilience with little things first before God can trust and expose us to greater pressures 

Christian Living

4 Tips For Better Marriage

Aside from courtship, friendship in marriage should be encouraged because sometimes it can be the tiny string that just holds things together for a while

Christian Living

3 Benefits of Walking In Love

The new covenant law is the law of love; to love God and to love man. And loving God is subsumed under loving man because we cannot say that we love God whom we haven’t seen, if we are not walking in love towards our neighbour. To maximize the benefits of walking in love discussed below we have to love others just as God demonstrated love to us in Christ Jesus

Christian Living

The 4 Important Witnesses or Validations For Your Ministry

Moses led Israel out of captivity. John the Baptist came to prepare the way for the Messiah. Mary was specially chosen to birth the Christ. Jesus lived and walked on earth like any other man, He accomplished great works by the power of the Holy Spirit and fulfilled His ministry. Apostle Paul finished his race. You and I have a purpose to accomplish in this world, we have a ministry to fulfil. How are you doing with the ministry entrusted into your care? Do you sometimes wish you had affirmation of your purpose? I share 4 witnesses and affirmations of purpose every child of God needs

Christian Living

The Power of Pleasant Thoughts

Pleasant thoughts fosters creativity andmotivation. It helps us cultivate optimism for better decision making, for building stronger relationships, tackling challenging situations and ultimately achieving our goals. 

Question is: Given the myriad of competing and potentially distracting thoughts in our day-to-day life, how do we nurture a mindset filled with pleasant thoughts as Christians?

Christian Living

10 Danger Signs of False Prophets and Teachers

They cage you in; telling you they’re the best thing that ever and can ever happen to you. You won’t get better elsewhere. If you’re not with them, you’re doomed.

Christian Living

How To Win People Over Through Love

Loving relationships help build emotional connections, foster deep bonds and provide an avenue to share life with others. Love is a beautiful tool for winning people over, not only because it gives people a sense of acceptance and belonging, but also because people in love are generally comfortable with exhibiting a vulnerability and delicate trust that is borne out of a feeling of mutual acceptance.

Christian Living

How To Stop Doubt from Stealing Your Miracle

Dobut is a feeling of uncertainty or a lack of conviction about a thing. Contrary to doubt, faith believes for the impossible, and the invisible.

So doubt is a faith-stopper and a miracle snatcher.

How do you stop doubt from stealing your miracle? The answer to this can be seen in Mark 11:23…

Dealing with opposition
Christian Living

How To Deal with Opposition God’s Way

The natural human approach for handling opposition is to fight back. But friends, any response to opposition that is outside of the recommendations of Jesus in Matthew 5:44, is inconsistent with who God is. For God Is LOVE.

Christian Living

The Lilies Are Better Dressed

How well and expensively dressed do you think Solomon was? Well, according to Jesus, the lilies are more beautifully adorned than Solomon in his best dressed state. Think about that for a moment!