
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Christian Living

A Picture of The Life God Planned for You

God wants you to live the best life- A beautiful life with Food, Water, Comfort, Luxury, health and always being refreshed by His Word and Spirit.The devil stole this life from Adam, but God restored it in Christ Jesus.Go for everything God has already provided for you in Christ Jesus

Victory Walk

Becoming Your Greatest Dream (12)

Opposition to a Godly dream or vision is engineered by the devil and it aims to thwart the vision. 

In this study, Grace shares 4 Main presentations of Nehemiah’s Opposition (Nehemiah chapters 1-6). 

1. Mockery: which is a deliberate attempt to undermine and weaken someone’s focus. 

2. Direct Confrontation: the devil can attack your health, peace, family, etc. 

These confrontations also come to weaken your focus and strength. 

3. FEAR: the enemy sends fear in order to weaken your strength, cripple you and STOP your God-inspired dreams. 

4. Deception and False Prophecies. 

In this Part of the Study series “Becoming Your Greatest Dream”, you will learn how Nehemiah handled these attempts at distractions so that you too will be well positioned to Recognize and Tackle Oppositions to your God-inspired dreams when they present.

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Victory Walk

Becoming Your Greatest Dream (11)

Many times oppositions to a God-given vision comes through familiar faces and names, however it’s important to recognize the devil is the primary culprit. 

Victory Walk

Becoming Your Greatest Dream (10)

Understanding How Authority Works…

Authorities are established by God to provide leadership and enforce right and Godly behaviours among men.

Jesus was an Authority on earth and He wielded it teaching, preaching, healing and generally doing good.

So indeed, the purpose of Authority is to do man good.

How Does Authority Work?

1. God is the Source of all True Authority. He is the Highest Authority. There is no Authority without God. God is self-sufficient and self-existing. He does not report or depend on anyone. 

2. Every true Authority comes from God and He delegates this Authority to man to act on His behalf on earth. 

3. By Submitting to Authorities that God has established, we are submitting to God. It is therefore necessary for the authorities to be truly representing God so that Submission is easy. 

4. Authorities works in jurisdictions. To be relevant, powerful and useful, learn to wield your authority within your assign territory. 

(Romans 13:1-7. Daniel 4:17. Daniel 2:37-38, Matthew 8:5-10). 


Learn some more about Authority and how it works by following this study series; ‘Becoming Your Greatest Dream.’

Victory Walk

Becoming Your Greatest Dream (9)

The Spiritual Head of every Christian is Jesus Christ. It is not your Pastor, Bishop, Husband, Parent, Government or anybody else.

Christian Living

Becoming Your Greatest Dream (8)

Join me in this Study series to learn more about Authority, Its Use and Benefits.

Authorities are established by God. Authorities are established as leadership structures to coordinate people, guide them to do what’s right, and to maintain orderliness.

And God established authorities to do man good.

Jesus was a person of Authority, and He exercised His Authority to teach people to do right, to liberate people and help them enjoy freedom, to help people follow God’s order for doing things.

As a person in position of Authority understanding the Purpose of Authority ensures its rightly Used.

As a person Under Authority, understanding the Benefits of Authority will help you maximize it.

God wants us submitted to the Authorities He established.

Christian Living

The 2 Drivers of Humility

Jesus Examplifies the 2 Drivers of Humility from Philippians 2:5-11

“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.”
Philippians 2:5‭-‬8 NKJV

-God the Son existed in the beginning as the second person of deity (John 1:1)
-He was the Word through which all things were created (John 1:3).
-However, in order to redeem man, the Son of God became man- took the form of man (John 1:14, Colossians 2:9), found in appearance as man (Philippians 2:8)
-Even though Jesus was born with flesh and blood, He was intrinsically God. God bypassed the sinful human nature in Jesus by virtue of His birth to a virgin (Matthew 1:18-25).

-Philippians 2:5-11 clearly tells us that Jesus Layed Aside His Godly rights, took the form of a man in order to save man. He did that to meet the Father’s requirement for man’s redemption.

He submitted to God to the point of death.

-He ran His earthly ministry not as God but as a Man anointed with the Holy Ghost (Acts 10:38).

-He identified as Man. He was tempted just as we are, yet He did not sin (Hebrews 4:15).

Likewise us:
We are born of God.
We have the nature of God.
However to stay humble before God, we must submit totally to God and His Word
And we must not think ourselves higher than other people- we identify as men as well. This by no means doesn’t mean we don’t know who we are or what we are made of. We are Born of God! I am proudly Born of God! ?

And just like Jesus, we too though having the form of man boldly witness of Christ and do Kingdom exploits by the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8).

And we can live victoriously by faith in Christ, helped by the Holy Spirit.

Christian Living

Hope or Faith

Faith must always be engaged in order to bring the expectation of hope into tangibility.

Christian Living

Becoming Your Greatest Dream (7)

Pride is a dream stopper, HUMILITY pleases God

Join me in this part as we see how humility influences the actualization of our dreams…

From what we learnt about humility the last time……in Part 6,

  • humility is the fear of Lord 
  • The fear of the Lord means to reverence God 
  • We saw the 2 drivers for humility- 
  • A commitment to obeying God, Submitting to God, recognizing and acknowledging His supremacy. 
  • A consciousness of having the same basic human man form, just like anyone else.  
  • Most importantly Philippians 2:5-11 says we are to follow Jesus example 
  •  He obeyed God fully, and He identified as man in His relationships. 

Humility requires for us to 

  1. Submit to God
  2. Trust God (facilitated by our past Experiences and Encounters with God and also because His Character is trustworthy-He is good,Loving, merciful, keeps promises, He is God-supreme and sovereign. Deuteronomy 7:9 
  3. Believe God, believe His Word, Walk by faith 
  4. Amos 3:3
  5. We create our dreams by faith- believing, speaking and acting based on God’s word and His leading 
  6. This is a major step in CREATING your dream 
  7. Create first in your mind and write down (Habakkuk 2:2). 
  8. Then go ahead and call forth your creations
  9. MAKE them- translate them from visions on tablets to reality 
  10. Genesis chapters 1 and 2 for  how God created created the and Earth.
  11. But you know faith walks with love 
  12. faith without Works is dead James 2:14-26. The expressions of WORKS we see in James 2:14-26 are arts of love
  13. In Mark 11:22-24 – The mechanics of faith.  Buttressed by Romans 10:9-10
  14. But then Mark 11:25 quickly introduces the concept of unforgiveness 
  15. Forgiveness plays a key role in answered prayers 
  16. Strife is a rate-limiting step in becoming Your Greatest Dream 
  17. Article- Strife Is not your friend