
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Category: Victory Walk

Victory Walk

Becoming Your Greatest Dream (11)

Many times oppositions to a God-given vision comes through familiar faces and names, however it’s important to recognize the devil is the primary culprit. 

Victory Walk

Becoming Your Greatest Dream (10)

Understanding How Authority Works…

Authorities are established by God to provide leadership and enforce right and Godly behaviours among men.

Jesus was an Authority on earth and He wielded it teaching, preaching, healing and generally doing good.

So indeed, the purpose of Authority is to do man good.

How Does Authority Work?

1. God is the Source of all True Authority. He is the Highest Authority. There is no Authority without God. God is self-sufficient and self-existing. He does not report or depend on anyone. 

2. Every true Authority comes from God and He delegates this Authority to man to act on His behalf on earth. 

3. By Submitting to Authorities that God has established, we are submitting to God. It is therefore necessary for the authorities to be truly representing God so that Submission is easy. 

4. Authorities works in jurisdictions. To be relevant, powerful and useful, learn to wield your authority within your assign territory. 

(Romans 13:1-7. Daniel 4:17. Daniel 2:37-38, Matthew 8:5-10). 


Learn some more about Authority and how it works by following this study series; ‘Becoming Your Greatest Dream.’

Victory Walk

Becoming Your Greatest Dream (9)

The Spiritual Head of every Christian is Jesus Christ. It is not your Pastor, Bishop, Husband, Parent, Government or anybody else.

Victory Walk

Becoming Your Greatest Dream (6)

A consciousness that we are human just like any other man. So that we do not overvalue or overestimate people OR undervalue or underestimate people.

Victory Walk

Becoming Your Greatest Dream (5)

Humility is a prerequisite for attaining greatness.

Pride is a dream stopper.

Join me in this study to explore what pride is, how it presents, its consequences and how to avoid pride..

Victory Walk

Becoming Your Greatest Dream (4)

In pursuing your God-inspired dreams and visions, you will make mistakes along the way but don’t let mistakes define you. Because God is waiting patiently for you to recover, retrace your steps and get back on course.

Victory Walk

How To Become Your Greatest Dream

God is committed to bringing to pass every vision or dream that He inspires.

He is the Giver of great dreams. He is the Builder of great visions. He gives kingdoms and He establishes kings.

If you believe you have a big dream from God to accomplish and you sometimes wonder how it’s going to be done…Relax because God is at work in you- to birth those great dreams.

Find out how He does this in this video…

Victory Walk

The REASON for every God-given Dream

Do you believe that God has given you a big great dream?

Is your dream really great?

Join me in this study as we find out what makes a dream or vision really great…

Victory Walk

Becoming Your Greatest Dream

Whether it’s an aspiration, an ambition, a vision, or a sleep-related dream, as long as it is God-inspired, God-breathed, you can achieve it.

Join me in this study as we look at How we can Become Our Greatest Dream

Victory Walk

Victory Walk

Hello there,

I am driving awareness for my YouTube channel and program…VICTORY WALK…

VICTORY WALK is a gospel teaching program premised on 1 John 5:4. …

"Whatsoever is Born of God overcomes the world. And the VICTORY that overcomes the world is our faith."

VICTORY WALK is designed to inspire, edify and help you walk in victory every day while doing exploits in your world and for the Kingdom of God.

My target this week is at least 20 subscribers.

Your subscription will put me way past my target.

I am counting on you…???

Let’s do Jesus’s WORK Together…… ???. Click on the link below to Subscribe to VICTORY WALK ……

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