
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Category: Bible Study

Bible Study

The Whole Armor of God (IV)

From the Bible, we learn that righteousness is not gotten through works, or by merit or achievement. In fact, the Bible describes attempts by man to become righteous as ‘filthiness’ and ‘insubordination’…

Bible Study

The Whole Armor of God (III)

equipped with all this information and knowledge, it is difficult to be downtrodden by principalities and powers, or by any other scheme of the evil one. do you know who you are?

Bible Study

The Whole Armor of God (II)

An armor is seldom a combative tool, an armor is a protective gear. The enemy didn’t go to sleep following Jesus’s victory on the cross. No, the devil is still the god of this evil age and he is committed to ensuring that not so many people come to know about their freedom, liberation, newness of life through Christ Jesus.

Bible Study

The Whole Armor of God (I)

In a sense, Ephesians 6:11 is saying; be totally, completely, fully dressed (and protected) with God’s spiritual covering. The covering of salvation, righteousness, truth, peace, faith and have the fire of the Word in your mouth, without forgetting to pray always in the Spirit (with perseverance and supplication).

Bible Study

The Weapons of Our Warfare

Clearly, Paul in verses 3-6, is referring to spiritual forces manifesting in human beings howbeit, in diverse ways. As false arguments, human reasoning, logic, pride, disobedience and godlessness.

Bible Study

Bible Perspectives on Humility (VII)

Be humble; fear God, love and respect everyone. Seek the good of others at all times and remain teachable.

Bible Study

Bible Perspectives on Humility (VI)

Humility comes before honor. And I think that when the Bible says that pride leads to destruction one of the contributing factors to this is becoming frustrated at not being honored (as one would expect). I recognize that destruction can mean different things, but probably a central feature to it would be not achieving one’s full potential.

Bible Study

Bible Perspectives on Humility (V)

False humility is actually pride in disguise. People who intentionally devalue or belittle their achievements, contributions or worth may be struggling with false humility.
Falsely humble persons struggle with giving commendation or rendering an apology, however, they expect frequent commendations, approvals, apologies and recognition from others.

Bible Study

Bible Perspectives on Humility (IV)

To seamlessly assert authority and receive submission in return, build trust by doing care, love and watching over. If you are lacking in these, you’re likely to be struggling with people submitting to you. A husband who keeps ranting, ‘I am the head of this home’, you must submit to my authority’ is very likely not performing his functions as the head. Just as submission in a marriage relationship is a lot easier when the husband plays his own part of loving the wife unconditionally, so it is much easier to submit to an authority when trust has been built. Lead according to the Word of God. Leading is more about relationship and influence than position.

Bible Study

Bible Perspectives on Humility (III)

There is a strong connection between humility and submission. Submission requires subordination, subjection, obedience, yielding which are all expressions of humility. To successfully submit to an authority, humility is needed. I believe that unlike humility which we are expected to express towards God and all men, submission is contextual.